

Testbanks ♦ Case Studies ♦ Games ♦ Interactive Quizzes ♦ Polling ♦ Project-Based Assignments ♦
Review Problems/Solutions ♦ Scenarios ♦ Study Guides

Instructor Resources

Instructor Manuals ♦ Syllabi and Lesson Plans ♦ Presentation Slides ♦ Classroom Activities ♦
Content Research and Customization ♦  Concept Maps ♦ Image Galleries ♦ Video Scripts

Course Design

Online Course Content ♦ Learning Objectives/Course Outcomes ♦ Curriculum Mapping ♦
Blended Learning Apps ♦ Surveys ♦ Content Review and Revision

“We’ve been working with Paul and Jay from Chimborazo for many years and consider them a valuable partner for creating instructor resources to supplement our educational materials and textbooks. Chimborazo has a simple turn-key approach to doing business and we appreciate the speed and ease with which they are able to assemble this material for us. They have a large team of technical writers who are able to handle all of the varied subjects and projects related to our instructional materials. Their staff, including Dr. Nagin, is always available to consult on special projects and they do a nice job of troubleshooting small problems before they turn into big problems.”

​​Larry Main
Managing Editor
Delmar | Cengage Learning